

7 Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing

7 Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing Facebook is still the overlord of social media sites and the first stop for friends to connect and share ... Continue Reading

Stock market

Stock market The stock market is the place where stocks are issued and traded, including the issuing market and the circulating market. By issuing... Continue Reading

The Foundation of Convertible Bonds

Convertible corporate bonds, which are also known as convertible notes, refer to the corporate bonds issued by the issuer according to law and ca... Continue Reading

How to Build Your Mobile Game Brand in China

How to Build Your Mobile Game Brand in China Mobile game is gaining momentum over the past years—making China an appealing market not just for g... Continue Reading
payment gateway china

5 Ways to Pay Suppliers in China: An Analysis on T …

5 Ways to Pay Suppliers in China: An Analysis on The Pros & Cons China is the world's largest manufacturing country and the world's largest ex... Continue Reading

The Top KOL Marketing Platforms in China

The Top KOL Marketing Platforms in China 1. Weibo: The China Twitter Weibo is China's version of Twitter. With a large and stable user... Continue Reading

Youku Tudou: The Former YouTube of China

Youku was previously China's top video sharing application in China. For years it was called China Youtube and you can see from the name that... Continue Reading

XiaoHongShu 小红书: the new era of e-commerce

XiaoHongShu 小红书: the new era of e-commerce Another popular application of 2018 is XiaoHongShu Little Red Book (English Red). It provides... Continue Reading
KOL Marketing in China

10 KOL Marketing Trends in China for 2020

10 KOL Marketing Trends in China for 2020 With 2019 coming to an end, brands and marketers should look into 2020 and develop plans to get out of t... Continue Reading