12 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need To Know

12 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need To Know

12 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need To Know

On-page SEO is the process of adjusting page content, tags, and internal links to improve search visibility. 

Every change to Google’s algorithm or competitor content could cost you off that top spot. This means the important to have a high level overview of how Google and other search engine work.

Search Engine 

Search engines send crawlers, or spiders, to explore the internet. They follow links from one site to another, building a map of the content called a search index.

In the process of exploring the sites, these crawlers are also evaluating their content to determining what kind of information.

The search engineer’s algorithms use this data to determin how well that the particular sits’s contact answers the user’s query, than the higher it ranks on the SERPs. This algorithms are frequently updated, and leads us to changes in ranking, which requires to optimize the site to improve rankings.

Why On-Page SEO is important?

It is a way to optimizing your website to help search engines understand your website better. This has many benefits.

  1. Traffic – Organic result on a search page had increase 67.60% than previously.
  2. Better click-through rates (CTR) – Average CTR on google had increase to 26.90%

12 Essential On-Page SEO Factors

On-page SEO can be broadly divided into three categories: content, HTML, and website architecture. 


Content is king. Here are the content factors you need to consider to maximize your on-page SEO:

1. E-A-T

Google weights your website is based on E-A-T, or expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

While Google had confirmed a few elements of E-A-T (PageRank and links), it is generally accepted in the SEO world that on-page signals play an important in its evaluations.

2. Keywords

Pages that feature the keywords and language are used in the query, whether in the body text, title, or both, are more likely to be relevant to the search .

In short, you need to know what your target audiences are searching for and create content that includes these terms. It’s always a good idea to do research, so you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

3. SEO Writing

Creating content type that both prioritize search engines and convert human visitors to your website is an art.

  • Emphasize readability: The content should be easy readable, so users can quickly find the information they are looking for.
  • Don’t overuse keywords: Also known as keyword stuffing, this technique had been by unscrupulous SEO professionals to play in the past. Google will run through this keyword, if google caught doing this, your page could be demoted in SERPs or even removed entirely.
  • Keep sentences and paragraphs brief: If you’ve ever clicked on a website only to be attacked by a full of tet, it will be hard it is to read lengthy copy. Avoid driving users away by keeping your sentences and paragraphs short.
  • Use subheadings: Subheadings are noticeable because of their size, drawing the attention user to read through your website
  • Use bulleted lists: This may feel very meta, but bulleted list is a great way to break down information into easy to digest for your users. 

4. Visual Assets

Using images, videos, and infographics does more than just keep visitors visually interested to visitoin your websites. This also an opportunities to boost your SEO.

Be mindful of your image file size to prevent slow loading. Make your images shareable to identify backlink opportunities, which can help impvove your E-A-T.


HyperText Markup Language or HTML is the code used to build your webpages and content. Here are the on-page SEO HTML factors you need to consider:

5. Title Tags

This is one of the areas where attention to details is important. This snippet of code that allows you to name your webpage probably won’t improve your SERP rankings.

Just combined with other on-page elements (like those discussed here), it can help you build context and demonstrate your website.

6. Meta Description

This can provice two key benefits: its help Google understand what your website is about, and more importantly, they have a huge impact on your CTR.

Better meta descriptions can give searchers a better understanding of what your page is all about, and it leads to more click-through rates.

7. Image Optimization

We have briefly touched on the importance of visual assets on your page, but it’s time to take a closer look at their technical aspects.

Here are some tips to help optimize yours:

  • Include SEO-friendly alt tags.
  • Choose the right format and file size for fast loading.
  • Customize file names instead of using something like IMG_08759.
  • Ensure your images are mobile-friendly.

8. Geotagging (For Local Search)

It may be a global economy, but most business still takes place at the local level. Connect with user near you by optimizing your websites for local SEO.

There are three main SEO tactics to consider when focusing on local traffic:

  • Optimizing local listings and citations including name, address, and phone number (NAP), website URL, and business descriptions, using third-party apps, and getting reviews.
  • Optimizing your local content, including accommodating for “near me” searches, providing location-based content, or buying a local website or blog.
  • Optimizing and building links with other local businesses and organizations.

Make sure to include the name of your target location in your keywords and place them where appropriate

Website Architecture

Having a well-structured website is important. A website laid out in a logical manner will be crawled more effeciently by search engines, and also it will create great user experience. Here are the factors to consider when optimizing your website architecture:

9. Site Speed

A slow-loading website doesn’t just frustrate and drive visitors away, it actually hurt your search rankings as well. As page load time on SEO and confirmed that website page speed is a ranking factor in search results.

This can be met by Google’s Core Web Vitals minimum threshold, If your website does not currently meeting these standards, there are several steps you can consider, including:

  • Enabling compression.
  • Reducing redirects.
  • Optimizing images.
  • Leveraging browser caches.

10. Responsive Design

In 2016, mobile searches surpassed desktop for the very first time. Mobile devices now accounts for more than 56% of all internet usage, with tablets contributing for 2.4%.

Because more users are on mobile devices, Google followed the logical path and began to prioritize sites with responsive designs in mobile search rankings.

This mobile-friendly update only affect search results performed on mobile devices, and while it’s still possible to rank in these results without responsive design, Google strongly recommends websites to have a mobile version.

11. URL Structure

URLs played an important role in SEO. Professionals make sure their keywords are included in URL to help them rank higher.

Google keep change the algorithm. Searh engines still include your URLs in your overall score. There is to play a role in a site’s initial ranking and some professionals used to grouping pages.

12. Links

One of the best ways for your website to build expertise, authority, and credibility is through links from other reputable websites.

There are three main types you need to know about for SEO:

  • Internal links – a link to another page on your website.
  • Outbound links – also known as external links, these links point to sites on different domains, such as links to Google’s SEO pages.
  • Inbound links – sometimes called backlinks, these are links from other websites to your website.

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